The N’Fun 30 starts from about EUR 95.000 before VAT.
Contact us and/or just configure your own boat.
Your N’Fun 30 is custom built based on your individual wishes. Depending
on the current capacity of the yard this takes 6 to 9 months.
Ordering time
The German magazine ‘yacht’ thoroughly tested the N’Fun 30 in September 2019 with quite a positive verdict. Download the Article here. IN addition, the”Palstek” wrote an even better review, you find it here.
Expert Reviews
„Finally an affordable custom performance boat with weekender qualities and lifting keel“

photos & Videos
Many exhilarating interior and exterior views as well as a variety of technical and sailing videos of different N’Fun30 boats.
TEsts & Specifications
Here you find the technical details and specifications of the N’Fun 30.
More background information on the materials, techniques and quality in the building process you also find on www.nfunyacht.com
You like what you see and want to experience the N’Fun 30 not just digitally, but live?Contact us and we will show you first hand why our clients love their boat. We look forward to sailing with you on Lake Zurich.